Friday, February 13, 2009

Chat - Chat - Chatting - And - SMILEYS

I just discovered the joys of chatting. My first chat ever!!!!! I didn't want to put my friends whole name, so she will be "K". Ha Ha read on.................. Awesome smileys!!!!!!

Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde
Me: Hi K!!!!!!!!!! I just discoverd the chat button thing-a-ma-jig. Did i miss anything at school yesterday?? see you tuesday. i'm on bus 9, which sucks. Bye!!!

K: hi ashley you on?

Me: yeah, how are you

K: are you

Me: anything exciting??

K: well.....yesterday you missed a run it was boring!!!!

Me: YAY!!! I have to make it up. minute or 3/4 mile

K: it was the run 6 min and walk 1 min.

Me: yow. really???

K: yah.i have to go now.Happy Valentines day!

Me: you too

K: i didn't get to give you your valentine yesterday

Me: Bringing valentines on wednesday so its ok

K: see you wednesday!

Me: OK! Field Trip!!

K: have fun at medieval times

Me: woo who, im on bus uh 9

K: ok. Bye!

Me: Bye!!

K: im on 2 with ms. savage and mr.moore

Me: really

K: ok. now the final goodbye!

Me: Bye

Fly On, Ashley

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that was me huh? sorry. exploring your page. nice. see you monday.