Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hello? Hello? Hello? "Ello Moto"

So, I guess you all have realized by now I survived my first week back at school. Since I'm recovering from the work the less-kind teachers have dumped on me, I decided to do a picture show of my interests..........................................

You probably know by now that I like, correction, LOVE Maximum Ride. Yeah. READ IT. xD

I also am obsessed with clothing that has wings on it, because of other said interest. Too bad this adorable shirt is $76 big ones. Otherwise. I'd. Buy. It.

Also, I am officially a "band geek", a crude term for those that enjoy their band class, and create music. ( And no, not weird arm-pit fart sonatas or anything) I play the clarinet. I saw an awesome shirt I wanna get on that says "Fear The Clarinets" Oh yeah!!!

Also, my dad recently introduced me to the band ACDC. Many people at my school wear their shirts in the AC/DC format. This one cracks me up. Fan of "Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder"

Oh, and I like the play Wicked. No one but Alexis, Aubrey, and I get those "Going Green" jokes. Mu-ha-ha. The boys are clueless. Wicked!!
Plus I just realized this is my tenth post so.......... YAY!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome ashley! keep it up!