Friday, April 17, 2009

Haikus Of Musings (That's Yoda Talk)

Hello. My title is really "Musings About Haikus." For the funny, and the fact that we have a quote by Yoda in our school homework binder, it is what it is. It is what it is what it is about because of the comment I got on my last post. Give me a moment to celebrate. Woot! Comment! Happy Dance! I'm done. I'm Cassandra said I should post stuff I write on my blog. It was that or a post about the frog I dissected today. I don't have pictures yet of melookingstupidbutfunnywithgogglesandjokingaroundwhiledissectingafrog yet, so that post will have to wait. So, April is National Poetry Month. I got a poem of mine published in a young poet's anthology. Go to for all that yada yada. (yoda!) I will type that one, however, when I feel like it. Right now it is 11 at night, and I can't remember it. So, a haiku I wrote in English.

The Wind Is Music

Not Written Down, Sounds Like A

Woodwind Ensemble

*Is Sleepy* Hope you like it, oh wonderful 3 followers. *Laughs*

Fly On, Ashley


Ashley said...

YAY!! LEIK OMGosh. fIrSt CoMmEnT!!!!!1!!!!one!!!!!!!!Eleventy!!!!ONe!!

(I can be an airhead when I want to)

Unknown said...