Saturday, April 11, 2009

Concerning Scared-did-did-ness And Other Things

Yes. I have invented a new word. Scared-did-did. Deal with it. Yes. I have not posted in over a month. Holy crap!!! Yes. I saw the Hannah Montana movie today. If you tell anyone, I will come to haunt you when you least expect it. Just like my friend Leah said she is going to do when I am 110, on my deathbed -wait for it- dying, suffocated by close friends and family, croaking my last words to some random 3 year old grandkid named Jason ( ??Jason?? It popped into my head) who will be staring at me like the frog I'm due to dissect soon in Science, and secretly thinking that I smell like old lady B.O. Can you say run on sentence! And hyperbole! My friend says she is just gonna haunt me as I lay dying for not bailing her out at open house. Nice Friend. You can sooo tell I  am aspiring to be a writer someday and totally bored, reading that thingy i just blathered. See "HYPERBOLE" above. I wish I had friends out in the world wide web so i could get tagged, and therefore not put a lot of thought into a post. A bit *cough a lot cough* off topic, but have you ever ever heard someone say, quote and quote "Ack!" end quote, and actually mean it? Like, not to sound goofy/doofus-ish, but they seriously meant it? In example:

"Ack! I stubbed my toe! It really hurts. Sis, can you get me an ice pack?" 

"Ack!  i got my first ever C on a test in math, because my math teacher told us we were having a quiz, and made it a almost 35 question test at the last minute and i didn't know!"
Note: true story (Not sure about my exact grade. I want a freakin' B... or -B) 

Back to the ACK! thing. * Snickers*
My friends and i were climbing a tree yesterday, my friend climbed w a y up high, I told him not to fall on me, he came back down, almost fell, and went "ACK!", and then i commented about how that was the first time I've ever actually heard anyone say "ACK!" and mean it. To wrap up this post.... lists!!!!

Books I Have Read Recently
-The Outsiders By S.E. Hinton (LOVE LOVE this book, Read it!!! Competing With Maximum Ride for my attention {In my head during "I can freaking think!!" time})
-The Giver By Lois Lowry (In English. Its pretty good)

Books I Am Reading
-Selkie Girl By (Lemme Check, *Runs To Room*) Laurie Brooks
-The Ropemaker By Peter Dickinson (For English. A book report)
-Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment By James Patterson (Again, I know. Don't Flame)

Books I Am Considering Re-reading
-The Outsiders By S.E. Hinton

Books I Started To Read At Borders & Will Post Here So I Don't Forget Them
-The Last Thing I Remember By Andrew Klavan
-The Girl Who Could Fly By Victoria ?????

                                          Fly On & Stay Gold, Ashley
                                    (read The Outsiders, you'll get it)

1 comment:

Pie said...

hey there. thanks for stopping by my blog. if you need inspiration for your blog, you should try I think I'm doing my first one tomorrow. Definitely keep up the writing if you want to write one day! You should share some of your writing on your blog. Good luck!