yeah! Go me. I am thirteen, but will pretend I am still twelve until my fourteenth birthday, because I have an odd idiosyncrsy which involves disliking odd numbers. This entails..........
-Important events that fall on odd-numbered days, or days with NO even numbers in them.
For Example - November 13, 2009. 11-13-09. I'm cringing. Not to mention its Friday the 13th
-Getting stuck with an odd number in line.
For Example-When in 3rd grade we assigned numbers so our teacher could be lazy. I was nmber 11. Boo Hoo.
-Being the odd one out.
For Example- Ah, so many saying about groups of three.
+Three's A Crowd
+The Third Wheel
+1st is the worst, 2nd is the best, 3rd is the nerd, 4th is the golden bird
This post differed drastically from what I ment to write, but hey, it was funny.
Fly On, aSHLEY